Church Fires and Being on Fire in the Church

For the past few months, it seems like there is a report of a church fire occurring where the building has sustained a great deal of damage. Maybe arson, maybe just old wiring in an attic, maybe an overloaded electrical circuit, but the result is a fire that burns brightly in public and draws reporters and cameras. It set my mind in motion thinking why do we not see headlines of communities and cities on fire for the Lord. Is the church so worried about converting people to a way of thinking and really failing to live out a faith that is fired up and deeply impacting the faithful one so much that others are drawn to the Source of that fire, Jesus Christ?

As Christians, are we making time to be in His Word and time to be quiet and listen closely for His leading in our lives in order to stoke the fire of faith within us? Do we tend to have a drive-by mentality when it comes to spending time with the Lord?

Is there a fire in your church? Is there a fire in you?

Matthew 3:11

"I baptize you with water for repentance. But after me will come one who is more powerful than I, whose sandals I am not fit to carry. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire.

The movement of the Spirit in the church could be incredible, it may be you that can be a catalyst in this event. Be in His Word, be in prayer and be faithful to the work in your church so that greater headlines may come saying how the fire of the Holy Spirit is restoring lives and rescuing sinners in massive numbers.

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